#1 Assignment - Assembly
Part 1
Clone the repository https://github.com/os-course/iustfall20. Try to load and boot the examples as we have done in class. Note that use VirtualBox as a Virtual Machine tool for running the generated ISO file. Make sure all the examples successfully executed.
$ clone https://github.com/os-course/iustfall20
$ cd iustfall20/01_bootloader
$ chmod +x generate_iso.sh
$ ./generate_iso.sh file_name.asm
Part 2
Add a function to move the cursor of the screen to the head of the next line. Name the function
You might use 2 special characters. Their hex value is 0x0A and 0x0D.
Part 3
Add a new label to the printer.asm
file named print_hex
This will be used as the function to print hexadecimal numbers in the main file.
Note that you might need to use and
, and dec
CPU instructions.
To test your implementation, put a hexadecimal number into an address of memory.
Then print_hex
the number in that address.
; Example of a test for the print_hex function
mov dx, 0xA91F
call print_hex
; The result should be 0xA91F
- Friday 9th Oct. 23:00
Submit just a zip file in LMS. The file should be named as
For example 97521234.zip